I see SRCC offers Listings. What is the difference between that and OG Certifications?

SRCC’s OG certification programs assess compliance with one of the ICC/SRCC ANSI standards. They include:

  • OG-100 for solar thermal collectors (ICC 901/SRCC 100 standard)
  • OG-300 for solar water heating systems (ICC 900/SRCC 300 standard)
  • OG-400 for solar pool heating systems (ICC 902/SRCC 400 standard)

Additionally, the OG-100 and OG-300 certifications include standardized SRCC performance ratings. Generally, each certification applies to one product or system.

Listings involve are an assessment of a product or system’s compliance with the relevant requirements of other documents, like codes or standards produced by other organizations. A single listing may include several codes and standards, and may also cover many products from the manufacturer. They do not include additional information like ratings, just a simple pass/fail determination.

Click on any of the links above to get more information on any of these programs.