What are the benefits of listing my product with ICC-SRCC?
AFFORDABILITY. ICC-SRCC charges a low flat fee for listings. We even allow you to place collectors and systems in one file. And there is no fee for additional codes and standards.
EFFICIENCY. ICC-SRCC uses the information you’ve already provided for your OG-100 or OG-300 certification to conduct your listing. So there’s no need to resubmit the same information to another company. If we need additional information to process your listing, we’ll let you know.
FACTORY INSPECTIONS. Factory inspections are only required every two years. Plus, the inspections satisfy surveillance requirements for the OG-100 and 300 certification programs. You save money and avoid redundant inspections.
LISTINGS BY THE EXPERTS. Listings are done by ICC-SRCC staff who are solar thermal experts, not by generalists who don’t know the intricacies of your products like we do.
SPEED. If you apply for listings when you apply for certification, we will get started on both right away. And since the code listings are coordinated with our certification programs, we can avoid redundancies and complete our reviews quickly.
VISIBILITY. Listings are linked to the ICC’s publicACCESS and premiumACCESS code portals, making it easy for users to find the SRCC Listings that apply to various sections of the I-Codes. That places your listings in front of millions of users of these online code portals. It’s a service that only ICC-SRCC and ICC-ES can offer.
TRUSTED. Listings are done by ICC-SRCC staffers who are solar thermal experts. We know your products and we know codes and standards. Code officials throughout North America trust and recognize our lists to provide them with the information they need to approve solar thermal products and systems. We’re even approved as a listing agency by the City of Los Angeles.