What are the benefits to manufacturers of certifying solar pool heaters under ICC-SRCC’s listing program?

  • CODE COMPLIANCE. Several codes used in the US require installed solar pool heaters to comply with ICC 902/PHTA 902/SRCC 400. Therefore, by listing your solar pool heater to Standard 400, you are demonstrating compliance with ICC-SRCC Standard 400 and meeting the requirements of these codes.
    Examples include the International Swimming Pool & Spa Code (ISPSC) and 2025 California Energy Code.
  • SAFETY AND DURABILITY. During the course of certification, ICC-SRCC’s engineers review the components and arrangement of the system to be sure that they comply with the minimum requirements set in the ICC 902/APSP 400/SRCC 400 Standard. This provides users with assurance that the system meets the standard’s comprehensive requirements for safety, durability and minimum performance.
  • WEB-BASED CERTIFICATES. All solar water heaters listed to Standard 400 by SRCC are provided with a listing document provided on the ICC-SRCC website, www.solar-rating.org. The certificates provide the certified performance ratings for the system and a complete schematic of the approved system. Code officials and incentive programs recognize ICC-SRCC’s website as the authoritative source of up-to-date information on certified solar water heating systems. They use the information and certificates there to verify certification, and to confirm that systems are installed in compliance with the certification. This results in faster and more accurate inspections.