What are the marking requirements?

Like the OG-100 and OG-300 programs, ICC-SRCC has a specific mark used to indicate that a product has received a ICC-SRCC listing shown below (specific usage is established in the ICC-SRCC Listing Program Agreement). The code listing mark does not replace the OG-100 or OG-300 marking requirements. It is applied in addition to them.For more information on ICC-SRCC requirements for marking and labelling, see the ICC-SRCC Trademark, Certification Mark and Certificate Use Policy posted in the Policies Section of the ICC-SRCC website.
ICC-SRCC will also issue a separate listing award document (certificate) that will be available for viewing on the ICC-SRCC website in much the same way as OG-100 and OG-300 certifications. It will list the specific codes and standards to which listings are provided and the time period when the listing is valid. See the Listing Directory for current listing certificates.