ICC-SRCC posts all valid certifications and supplements on its web directory at www.solar-rating.org. You can also go directly to the OG-300 directory. Once there, look up the OG-300 certification number from the supplement. Once you find the certificate, click on the link to view the document. If the Puerto Rico Supplement is valid for that […]
If a manufacturer has an OG-300 Puerto Rico Supplement for their solar water heater, does that mean that they also have ENERGY STAR certification?
Not necessarily. ENERGY STAR certification is not required to obtain the OG-300 Puerto Rico Supplement. But if a manufacturer has ENERGY STAR certification for the system through ICC-SRCC, it will be noted on the supplement.
What are the DOE Hot Water Load Patterns used in the OG-300 Puerto Rico Supplement and ENERGY STAR certifications?
Hot water load patterns are used to indicate the size, timing and flowrate of hot water draws from the solar water heating system during a 24-hour time period. Different building types, occupancies, local practices and the time of year all impact the amount of hot water drawn from a domestic water heater. SRCC’s OG-300 program, […]
Why was the OG-300 Puerto Rico Supplement created?
Puerto Rico and other islands in the vicinity, like the US Virgin Islands, has unique conditions that differ from those in the continental US and Canada. They include: High solar radiation, relatively stable water mains temperature, and no freezing conditions. Significantly lower domestic water consumption per capita than the continental US, on average. High incidence […]
How can I find ENERGY STAR® certified solar water heaters?
There are several ways to find ENERGY STAR certified solar water heaters: EPA ENERGY STAR Certified Product List. This list is maintained by the U.S. EPA and contains information on ALL ENERGY STAR certified water heaters (gas, electric and solar). ICC-SRCC Listing Directory. Each manufacturer with solar water heaters certified to ENERGY STAR by ICC-SRCC […]
Once our system(s) is certified, are there additional costs?
Yes, there is an annual fee required in order to renew system certifications. If changes are made to the certification, they may result in Editorial or Technical Modification changes. Inspection and self- assessment fees will also incurred during the period of certification. A Qualifying Inspection of factory facilities is required within one year of the […]
What are the marking requirements for the OG-300 program?
ICC-SRCC has a specific mark used to convey OG-300 certification (specific usage is established in the ICC-SRCC Trademark, Certification Mark and Certificate Use Policy found in the Policy Section of the SRCC website. ICC-SRCC will also issue a separate certification document that will be available for viewing on the ICC-SRCC website. It provides the specific […]
I have more questions regarding fees and the application/certification process. How do I get answers?
How long will the certification process take?
The process time will vary with each application. We can estimate 3 month’s time, but this is dependent upon how quickly you respond to any requests we may have.
Once our system(s) is certified, are there additional costs?
Yes, there is an annual fee required in order to renew system certifications. If changes are made to the certification, they may result in Editorial or Technical Modification changes. Inspection and self-assessment fees may also incurred during the period of certification.